well i have to say, most of my country drives are pretty romantic. i'll take a turn down a gravel road.....see something mind blowing....get out of the car and admire it for a while... and other times you might not see anything. you just never know.
well, the other day the sky was so blue and i had an itch to get out and drive. i took a turn down a dirt road and admired the blue blue sky, of course keeping my eyes peeled for an old shack to tromp around in. i came up over this hill and boom! this two-story amazing house that had the aged wood that just melts my heart. i got out of the car, ducked under the no trespassing sign, and started to admire. i got to the back of the house and saw a pigs head hanging from the porch. i sprinted back to the car passing some shooting targets on the porch (which i apparently neglected to see the first time i passed) and drove away!
not what i expected to see, but exciting at that. another day of fun in the country!