a little bit of the South has made its way westward, to heath ceramics' new exhibition space the boiler room. titled 'alabama on alabama' (because the entrance to the exhibit conveniently sits on alabama avenue in san francisco), the show includes work by southerners and longtime collaborators, butch anthony, and john henry toney, as well as our own rinne allen.
alabama chanin and heath ceramics have had a creative friendship for many years, which has yielded a beautiful collaboration in the form of heath's alabama chanin-designed dishes. here in this show, the full range of what alabama chanin can create is on view, with their indigo overdyed & appliqued quilts, their signature hand-sewn garments, and stacks upon stacks of their swatchbooks filled with samples of their unique fabrics for viewers to flip through. complimenting the handwork of alabama chanin is the work by the other southern artists that have worked closely with alabama chanin over the years, and everything feels synergistic and cohesive.
rinne recently went out to heath to give a talk about her harvest project, and shares some images from the show with us here…
word and photographs by rinne allen